At the show I got to cast the rod that won the award for Best Saltwater Rod, the Winston Boron III SX. It is a nice rod and it hits all the high notes for premium rods.

Super Fast Winston
The folks that like Winston Rods for their saltwater fishing have not told me that they liked super fast action rods, but they liked the little bit of moderation, the feel and touch you get with a slightly slower rod. I wonder if this rod is going to hit all the right notes for the anglers that already love Winston rods.

It casts well, it looks nice.
Now, while this is a really nice rod, I don wonder what makes it “the best” from the show’s perspective. I’m pretty sure I’d rather cast a Helios 2 or a Sage One over the Winston, having cast all three of those rods now. I guess it comes down to personal taste and how you like to cast.
Evaluating a rod comes down to so much personal bias. For me, it is a good rod, but it isn’t going to get the “Bjorn’s Top Saltwater Rod” award. Anyone have one and think it is the bee’s knees?
Tags: bonefishing, Boron III SX, fly fishing, rods, Winston
No, but I’m sure George Anderson will have it along with the others in his annual 8 weight shootout!
Rods tend to grow on people. Other times is love at 1st sight.
My opinion is that all the major rod manufacturers make good rods. The scrim, the epoxy, the way the rod is made, the components, the way the rod is finished – there are differences but it’s all essentially very functional and “good”. Fortunately, they cast different too which means there is a rod action out there to meet everyone’s casting style. Never buy a rod based on magazine ads, media hype, reputation, or someone else’s recommendation. Always put a line on the rod (I usually also put on one line heavier) and cast the rod the way you plan to fish it. You’ll know when you find the one for you. If you like fast action rods, and if you can find one, give the old Redington TiQr 8 wt a go.
As mentioned above, the top manufacturers are making phenomenal rods at this time. However, not each rod handles the same in all hands. In regards to “high end” rods, I own the Hardy Zenith in 5 wt, Sage One in 8 wt., and Loomis Streamdance GLX in 4 wt. I have never owned a Winston rod and had been “told” by the local fly shop that Winston had lost its edge and was no longer as “premium” as in the past and that the Boron iii sx was lackluster at best. This while testing new 10 wts for a trip south. Over 3 weeks I cast the G Loomis NRX, Sage xi3, Sage One, Hardy Proaxis (all in 10 wt) and the Orvis Helios 2 in 9 wt (there have been some problems with the anodizing process on the 10 wt’s reelseat so they won’t be released until about April apparently. This is based on information from the local fly shop so I can’t verify this). With this in mind, I expected to walk out with a Loomis NRX or Sage One prior to casting. I left liking the Sage One the best which made sense having owned the 8 wt. However, after casting all of the above and then checking another shop that carried the B iii sx, I found that the Winston is everything it has been made out to be. It cast phenomenally into the wind, handled short casts beautifully, and felt excellent in my hand. In essence, it is better to place the rod in your hands and cast it in what would be a real world type of situation. No two casting strokes are the same, and not everyone who casts the Winston B iii sx will love it as much as I did. However, don’t listen to the so called “experts” because despite what we would like to believe, everyone has an opinion and just because one rod didn’t work in someone else’s hands, doesn’t mean it will not work in yours as I found out in this case.
Great comment, thanks!