The MidCurrent story, both I & II are getting a lot of eyeballs. There are probably more comments on those two stories than all the stories I’ve written about the topic. It speaks to the authority MidCurrent has as a brand.
If you are still on the fence… I think these comments by our pal Prescott Smith about the Bonefish & Tarpon Trust really should help you pick a side. This is from the MidCurrent story:
BFFIA president Prescott Smith, who argues that BTT resists local input and is out of touch with ordinary Bahamians, says that BFFIA has no relationship with BTT now and no plans to work with the group on common cause conservation concerns in the future. Instead BFFIA works closely with Bahamas Sportfishing Conservation Association (BSCA), which Smith himself began in 1995 to address conservation issues he believed were of particular importance to Bahamians. According to Smith, BSCA has approximately 250 members; a request for the number of members with fisheries science backgrounds and/or advanced degrees in marine resources or natural resources management went unanswered. In any case, Smith asserts that locals know more about local fish behavior and patterns than do experts who visit the islands for a few months for programs like bonefish tagging.
Just to be clear… THIS is the organization Prescott won’t work with (and by the way, that is what actual conservation work looks like).
It is unclear if Prescott knew BTT has a Bahamian staff member, living in Grand Bahama, working every day on conservation issues (not weekends, really, working 5 days a week), getting in touch with ordinary Bahamians.
Instead of working with and supporting a world-class conservation organization like BTT, Prescott will only work with an organization he himself started and controls. This is the organization he’s talking about. Last news update on the website was from 2013. There is no list of staff. There is no list of partners or funders. Their facebook page was last updated in 2013. There is a Twitter account, started in 2008 with zero tweets. It is a ghost of an organization.
Incidently, this nearly non-existant entity is the only “Industry Partner” listed on the BFFIA’s website.
These are the partners of the Bonefish & Tarpon Trust.
Which organization would a rational person choose to partner with I wonder?
I mean… is anyone still buying this stuff?

BTT & the Bahamas… they go well together.
Beasley’s interview with Prescott mirrored what had already been said by many about the BFFIA, Mr. Smith and predictable outcomes. Beasley’s addition to the story was all about Smith indicting himself. And wow, did he ever!
The guy is his own worst enemy. It’s like an Onion story.
I cannot imagine anyone dissing BTT. They are as solid a group as I can imagine. I support them just as I do TU.
This whole BFFIA attempt to limit DIY anglers is insane economically for the Out Islands in particular. Frankly, I have always used guides in my trips to mainly to Grand Bahama and occasionally to Harbour Island. If someone wants to DYI, they have almost no impact on the local fishery especially if they are fly fishers. The greatest threat to the fisheries are the local netters and they aren’t mentioned anywhere in this kerfuffle.
Bonus points for using “kerfuffle.”
I sure hope that “foreign anglers” are steering clear of Prescott’s Stafford Creek Lodge.