Oct 12

Deneki’s Top Ten

Deneki Outdoors is a pretty impressive machine, even more so for being a relatively small organization. Andrew, the owner, puts out a stream of content from his blog and it is largely original and largely awesome.

Here are Deneki’s top ten bonefishing links.



PS – Great job SF Giants!

Sep 12

My Deneki Hat… then and now

Back when I couldn’t make the first FIBFest down in South Andros, I got this lovely “wish you were here” gift.

New… brand new and bright orange.

Since then, this hat has been through a lot with me. A couple of magical years of parenting and a couple of crappy years of marriage, a couple of moves, a new job, a new girlfriend and a new wife.

The hat has been places and seen things.

I love this hat.

Faded, and comfortable

Aug 12

For the Ladies – Bonefishing School

The folks at Deneki are hosting a bonefishing school for women down at Andros South.


At the school will be Kara Armano and Bruce Chard, as well as the guides and good folk at Andros South.

Building on the success of our very popular Bonefishing School program, our Women’s School will be co-hosted by Kara Armano and Bruce Chard.  You’ll get hands-on instruction from the best in the business, plenty of time on the legendary flats of Andros Island, and the company of a bunch of women who love fishing as much as you do – what could be better?

Now, I think my future Mrs. Bonefishonthebrain might not be totally set for this just yet and won’t have the vacation time anyway, but man… how fantastic would it be for her to have a safe and supportive place to connect with the flats and the fish that live there?

I’ve been to Andros South and it is still a place I keep close to my heart/soul. The wildness of the place and the beauty of the countryside are really mind-numbing.

Hope it fills up and creates some lasting impressions.

Andros South, for the ladies.

Jun 12

Tosh Brown goes to Andros South

I actually saw this via The Trout Underground.  Tosh Brown is a pretty stellar guy by all accounts.  He was recently down at Andros South, a place close to my heart.  The weather didn’t play nicely with the crew down there, but the photos are simply wonderful and they do, in fact, feature bonefish, so, it wasn’t a total failure.

Well, from the perspective of six blokes fishing Andros Island between May 20-25, 2012, that’s a big honkin’ load of crap. We saw the sunset on three different evenings and woke each of the following mornings to rain coming down in sheets. Thankfully, bonefish still show up quite nicely over white sand on cloudy days, and Andros has neither a shortage of white sand or bonefish.

A grey day in Andros

May 12

Rajeff on casting down at Andros South

Yes… Tim Rajeff talking about casting in the wind and the various situations you face out there. Some good advice in this Deneki bit.

Check it out.

In saltwater you need to deal with 4 distinct wind situations – in your face, at your back, from the left and from the right – and Tim takes us through some quick pointers on how to deal with each of those situations.  Have a look!

Rajeff, a man who knows casting

May 12

A complaint letter at Andros South

Rebecca is ruined… ruined for #20 flies and fish that don’t show her her backing.

I understand.

She was driven to write a complaint letter to Andros South (read it there).

It’s been exactly one year since I came home from a week of fly fishing for bonefish at Andros South and I have a couple of bones to pick over the following issues I experienced (suffered) as a direct result of a week at Deneki Fly Fishing paradise.

Rebecca's first bonefish

Mar 12

Fishing Jones interviews Mr. Deneki

His name actually is Andrew Bennett, but he’s the guy behind Deneki Outdoor. Here’s a cool interview that Fishing Jones did.

Here’s a sample question asked…

You’re Ivy League; shouldn’t you be launching a tech start-up or bundling subprime mortgages?

Check out the interview to see the answer.

Fishing Jones, is, of course, Pete McDonald, who is part of the Pulp Fly writing project. A great number of the writers for the project came out of FIBFest (Bruce Smithhammer, Pete McDonald, Michael Gracie and myself). A lot of good things have happened there at Andros South. Good job Andrew.


Mar 12

Tom Goes to Andros South

Last year I had the privilege to be part of FIBFest at Andros South.  Along on that trip was Tom Larimer.

Looks like Tom just made it back.  He took a hosted trip to Andros South and despite some less-than-ideal weather, they had a good time.

I envy him for getting back there… for hanging out at the Slack Tide Bar and chatting with the guides on the ride out to the West Side.  Of course, I can’t complain. I’m headed to Cuba here in about 2.5 weeks with Yellow Dog and that does not suck.

One of the things about fly fishing that I love is that you both get to see new and wonderful places and you also get to develop some “home water.”  For trout I have home water on the Upper Sac and McCloud.  For Carp I have Calero. For bonefish I don’t have a place that I know well, a place I keep coming back to.  I’d love to have South Andros be that place, but that seems financially and logistically out of the question.  Glad that Tom is getting a feel for South Andros and maybe beyond swinging for steelhead in Oregon he’s getting a sense of the moods of Andros.

Feb 12

Andros – Give Norman some help

I got an email from Andrew at Deneki today.  His outfit owns and operates Andros South and it turns out one of his guides, Norman, has encountered a tragedy. Norman’s young daughter Nala died last week in an accident on South Andros. I’m pretty sure I talked to Norman about Nala when I fished with him during FIBFest last year.

Norman is a really nice and quiet guy. He comes across as professional, honest and knowledgeable in his guiding and I got the sense from him that he was a pretty solid all around guy.

Norman tagging a bonefish for BTT

Norman could use some help right now to cover the costs for the funeral.  If you’d like to help out, you can contribute to this fund, set up by Deneki. You won’t get a tax deduction, but it is still worth doing.

Sending good thoughts to Norman. I can’t imagine what he’s going through.

Dec 11

Deneki’s top Bonefishing Posts from 2011

Deneki has a habit of pounding out really exceptional bonefishing content.  2011 was no exception.

Here is a list of their top bonefishing posts from 2011.

This was the year that I got to go to Andros South.  It is a very special place.  The Slack Tide Bar, the food, the guides the WATER.  Exceptional.

Great Place.