Feb 11

The Return of FIBFest – Andros South

I don’t really know how many people have been reading the blog consistently over the past year, but I’d bet not that many of you.  Last year, when FIBFest was going on down at Andros South I was only getting about 90 readers a day.  These days I get about 225 or so.  For new readers all you need to know is that I got the invite to Andros South last year as part of a fly fishing blogger boondoggle and couldn’t do it… life got in the way… a move, a home sale, a 3 year old.  I just couldn’t make it happen, which was kind of crushing.

This year, things have fallen in my favor.  Deneki is announcing today the official line-up for FIBFest II down in South Andros and I’ll be there.

My mug will be in these shots soon.

One aspect I’m particularly excited about is the prospect of tagging some bonefish for the Bonefish & Tarpon Trust.  I asked Andrew if that were a possibility and he said “Hell yeah!”

This is going to be one heck of a trip and I’ll take readers along as much as is possible (which is through the blog, in case anyone was reaching for a passport there).

The hunting grounds of Andros South.

The other FIBers (Fly Industry Bloggers) are chiming in as well…

Like Michael Gracie

And… Kyle Perkins over at Complete Thought

Feb 11

Going to Andros

Yeah… I’m not ready for Hollywood, but these little videos are fun.


Jan 11

Reading Mangrove Flats – Aaron Adams via Deneki

Aaron sent us this video about evaluating mangrove flats as bonefish habitat, and we knew we had to pass it on.

In the video, Aaron covers these points and more.

* Evaluating bottom structure.

* The significance of algae growth on the bottom and on mangrove roots.

* Signs of other life on the flats.

via Reading Mangrove Flats | Bonefish Habitat.

Hot damn.  Check it out. Go to the link above.

Jan 11

Deneki give casting tips for fishing the flats

Deneki continues to put out really, really solid content if you love bonefishing.  Check out this post from the guys at Andros South.

If we had to pick our top 3 casting tips for anglers chasing bonefish on the flats, this would be the list.

via Casting on the Flats | Top 3 Tips | Bonefishing.

PS – Happy Birthday to my brother, who is the best and only brother I have ever had.

Dec 10

Bonefish Leaders, Bruce Chard and Deneki

Some great stuff from Deneki’s Bonefish School, run by Bruce Chard.

A conversation with Bruce Chard at Andros South a couple weeks back got us thinking that there’s a really a lot to saltwater leader design and construction, so we asked Bruce to sit down and talk us through how and why he makes the leaders that he uses for bonefish.

via Bonefish Leaders | Design and Construction by Bruce Chard.

Nov 10

Bonefish and Tides, Aaron Adams, Deneki

Aaron Adams did a fantastic bit for Deneki on bonefish and tides over at the Deneki blog.  Check it out.

Aaron Adams is one of the leading authorities on bonefish science. He’s the Director of Operations for Bonefish and Tarpon Trust, one of the organizations out there at the forefront of research on bonefish. Even better, Aaron’s an angler himself, and that means he’s written some great science pieces that can also help you catch fish!

via Bonefish and Tides | Aaron Adams from Bonefish and Tarpon Trust.

Oct 10

Bonefishing Week on GoFISHN.com – Wanna win a trip to Andros?

Yeah… you should probably pay close attention to this… you could win a trip to Andros South.

Starting today, Andros South is hosting Bonefishing Week on GoFISHn.com!

We’ll be posting a whole bunch of content related to bonefishing on GoFISHn, including tips, gear reviews, Q&A sessions and more. Oh yeah – we’re also giving away a Sage 890-4 Xi3, a Sage 6080 reel, some Andros South logo gear, and…a trip to Andros South. That’s right, a trip to Andros South.

via Bonefishing Week on GoFISHN.com.

Sep 10

Your First Bonefish – Deneki Outdoors

This is why Deneki is pretty much awesome.   Check out this little bit of goodness that just went up on the Deneki blog.  He posts new content every day and it is consistently good stuff.

So you’re thinking about going bonefishing? Awesome! It’s a highly addictive sport in an amazing setting.

via (story link) Your First Bonefish.

May 10

Thoughts on FIBFest

Thanks go to Deneki Outdoors for putting on FIBFest 2010. There was a lovely flow of bonefishy goodness riding the tide from Andros South.

Michael Gracie took pity on me for my inability to escape the gravitational pull of domestic bliss (really a move, house sale and all that goes with it) and sent me an Andros South hat.

My life in a picture... fantasy and reality all there together.

Between all the great writing emanating from Andros South, Michael’s hat charity and my flies keeping Fishing Jones company, FIBFest was a blast, even from the stands.

Thanks Deneki!

May 10

FIBFest Closes

It has been fun to watch what’s come out of FIBFest 2010 down at Andros South.  The week has come to an end, sadly, and now it is all  but memories.  Looks like some pretty good ones were made.

Here’s a stellar wrap up by Michael Gracie akin to an Oscar acceptance speech.

Fishing Jones had a rather literary take on things.

This whole thing was put together by Andrew from Deneki Outdoors.  The idea, of course, was to stir up interest in bonefishing and in Andros South.  I think that has been accomplished.

The hunting grounds of Andros South.