May 11

Abaco Bonefish Roundup

From October 17th through 23rd, Bonefish Tarpon Trust worked with guides from the Abaco Fly Fishing Guides Association, Black Fly Lodge, Abaco Lodge, Delphi Lodge, and Pete & Gay’s Guesthouse to tag 339 bonefish on Abaco. We also surgically implanted sonic tags in 25 bonefish and placed sonic receivers at a suspected spawning location as part of a study to identify important spawning sites.

via Bonefish & Tarpon Trust.

That sounds like it was probably a lot of fun to be a part of, no?


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May 11

Salven Paints Some FIBFest Goodness

Here’s a new Bragging Rights Portrait of Eric Rathbun of Moldy Chum who recently had the opportunity for the ethereal experience while chasing Bones in the Bahamas.

via ” Bahama Bonefish ” Tropical Bragging Rights Fish Art portrait –  Mike Savlen.

That is just pure awesome.  Mike does some really, really good work.  This picture was taken at FIBFest… some really good pictures were taken by Cameron and now one of those has been turned into a pretty kick arse painting by Mike.


I want one.


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May 11

The IGFA Remembers Fly Fishing Legend Billy Pate

Billy was an innovator, unsurpassed as a fly fisherman, knowledgeable, a true sportsman.

via IGFA | The IGFA Remembers Fly Fishing Legend Billy Pate.

Billy Pate was a founding member of the Bonefish & Tarpon Trust.  Never met him.  Never even talked to him, but he sounds like a pretty fascinating guy.

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May 11

Big HI Bone

Yeah… they get kind of big out there.

I want to catch a fish that big.  I can’t really comprehend what that pull must be like.

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May 11

Starting Point

We all have a place where we first wet a line in pursuit of bonefish (or at least there is a pretty good chance of that if you are reading a blog called Bonefish on the Brain).  This is where I first saw a bonefish.

There are some bonefish here... the biggest I've ever seen with my own eyes.

It’s a nice place.  It’s very nice.  It’s been a few years since I’ve been here.  I hope to make it back.  Indeed, there is a campground here that is cheap and I often have dirtbag fantasies about spending a week in a tent here living off of slightly cool beer, Ritz crackers and peanut butter.

It will forever be a special place to me even though I didn’t hook a fish there.   I saw them… and they were frigging huge.  Dear god man, they were big.

I want to be there right now.

The flat is pretty big and it bends around a point so you can’t see the whole thing from the far edges.  The bottom is a far cry from white sand.  It is a “rubble” flat comprised of old, dead coral.  The live stuff is still kicking, just further out from the beach than you’d be walking.  The coral and the urchins make your choice in wading boots kind of important (leave those dive type shoes at home, you need more protection out there).

There are deep cuts through the flats and those are useful things if you are a bonefish and want to travel up onto the flat.  Those fish will emerge from and disappear into those channels.

I have heard that there are also sometimes fairly large sharks in those deep cuts.  Keep that in mind.

It would be great if I could tell you what kind of flies to throw… I don’t know.  I didn’t hook a fish and didn’t have a follow (out of the 7 fish I saw).  You do have to keep in mind the coral… and you need to put that into the mental calculus when it comes to tippets and spare fly lines (more than one fly line has been donated to the fishing gods because of that old coral).

I want to make it back there… I need to make it back there… I will make it back there… someday.

May 11

Seychelles via Jim Klug

If you are not sure who Jim Klug is you may not want to know.  His life has more fish in more places than you are likely to believe and it might make you bitter and angry that someone actually gets to live that kind of life (co-owner in Yellow Dog Fly Fishing Adventures, for starters).

You don’t need to be that bitter, man… you just don’t need it.

However, you may want to take a look at his photo gallery from the Seychelles.


I'll bet your soul feels kind of happy in a place like this.

Apr 11

New Lodge… Guanaja

That’s Honduras, in case you are not up on your Caribbean geography.  It is actually not the first time I’ve heard of Guanaja.

Yellow Dog Fly Fishing mentioned it a short time ago and the Fly Shop’s Mike Michalak caught his first bonefish there.

Looks pretty nice.

Our lodge is at a new location in the middle of Guanaja’s South Cays–right on the flats! We are surrounded by bonefish and permit, you can step outside the door of our plush guest house and cast to tailing fish.

via Fly Fish Guanaja.

That's President Carter... a very decent man.

Apr 11

Rent the Rod?

This business appears not to be in operation anymore. I can understand why. Decent idea on paper, but I’d think it would be hard to make it work.


I saw a little link on The Trout Underground to a new business that is renting rods and reels.  This is one of those things that is hard to see how it plays out.  It could be that someone rents an Xi3 and takes a trip to Belize and realizes that he/she needs to do this every year and they go back and buy that rod.  It could be that the angler who has a once in a lifetime trip to the Bahamas rents that Xi3 and never fishes the salt again.  Does the “industry” come out ahead or does it lose out?  I don’t know.  My crystal ball is in the shop at the moment… can’t wait to get that thing back!

You can rent a Sage 6000 series reel for $15.  That reel is normally $600-$700.  That sounds really reasonable as the rental is for a week.

You can rent a Sage Xi3 for $100 for a week.  The rod normally $725 (for the 8 weight).  That sounds a bit high, really.

Xi3 – a great stick.

In saltwater the rod is kind of important, but the reel… that’s where your trip falls apart really, really fast if things go wrong and there are way more things that can go wrong with a reel than there are with the rod (me thinks).  Am I off base on this?

For the consumer, it offers you another choice… you can rent a rig for a week and see how you like it (so long as that rig is either a Sage or TFO rod and one of two Sage model reels).  You could take that trip without dropping $1,400 for the reel and the rod… what you’d pay for that Sage rod/reel combo.

If it means fewer sales at your local fly shop… well… that’s bad.  Enough fly shops are shutting their doors these days.  Each local fly shop is a gem and each time one closes, we are poorer for it, as anglers.

Apr 11

Skinny Water Culture fishes Nassau

I was a bit skeptical at first but the first flat (and only flat) we pulled up on was loaded with fish, some BIG fish, tailing away happy as could be.

via Skinny Water Culture: Bone on a Big Boat.

Nassau is not known as a bonefishing destination… more for cruise ships and resorts… but there are bones there and the good folks over at SWC caught some.



Apr 11

Skinny Water Culture with me in Andros

I’ve been a fan of the folks over at Skinny Water Culture ever since I found their website a couple years back and ordered my first shirt from them.  They’ve continued to up their game as I’ve continued to up mine.

For my trip to South Andros they sent me some shirts to try out and I gladly wore them.  These are micro-fiber, quick-dry, sun-protecting type shirts.  There aren’t the dozens of pockets, back vents and buttons of the standard “uniform” type flats shirt and more and more manufacturers are offering this kind of technical wear for folks that don’t want all that extra “stuff.”

The shirts do what they do very well. I was cool and comfortable and didn’t get a sunburn.  Plus… I looked goooood.

I love that graphic.

Check these guys out and buy some stuff.  They are good peeps at the starting point for building something really fantastic.