Jan 13

Cast Again

A good little pearl of wisdom from Norman, an Andros South guide.  Basically, cast again after you blow a shot. Read the article here.

I know this to be true. On my first real bonefishing trip I was out with my dad.  My dad has been conditioned over 60+ years to trout set and trout set he did. One TWO occasions he trout set on a fish, missed the fish and in a wave of frustration waved his rod in the air. That motion actually RECAST the fly, where it was promptly eaten by a bonefish, which ended up getting landed.

True story.


So, I agree with Norman. Cast again.

I fished with Norman down in Andros and I was a little worried before our trip. He was “serious,” they told me.  Turns out, he’s a great guide and a nice guy on top of it.


Norman tagging a bonefish for BTT

Norman tagging a bonefish for BTT

Jan 13

Tips from Deneki

How Andrew at Deneki keeps coming up with stuff to write is amazing. He does it every day, several times and about three different fisheries and multiple species.

This latest bit has three random tips for bonefishing.

One of those tips has to do with lens wipes. Certainly something to consider. I’ve carried a bag with a little TP in it to wipe lenses with and that doesn’t seem to do the job very well at times. I’ve tried a micro-cloth and once that gets a little wet (as sometimes happens), it is toast.

Andrew has a suggestion for a fix, but I’m curious how you all deal with cleaning your lenses while out on the flats.

Gotta keep 'em clean.

Gotta keep ’em clean.

Jan 13

Things Bonefish Hate

Great post over at Deneki about things that bonefish hate… like noise.

There certainly are things you can do to minimize your chances of hooking up and maximizing your chances of witnessing how fast an unencumbered bonefish can race off the flat you are fishing.

The sound thing is interesting because it is certainly very, very true right up to the point where it isn’t.

You slam the cooler lid? That sucks… that is going to scare the fish away pretty well.  That’s been documented well.

On the other hand, I was out fishing with a guy who has caught more permit than I’m likely to even catch bonefish and he was blaring his tunes right there on the boat on the flat while we searched for fish. We found fish. We caught fish. All the while there were tunes being cranked out.

Certainly that IS noise and not the natural kind and not the kind a bonefish, you’d think, would be totally down with.

Check out the post at Deneki and comment there to add to the list of things bonefish hate.  If you have a comment on the whole music blaring, I’d love to hear about it here.

Photo by Matt Hansen... me, seconds after losing a really, really nice fish.

Photo by Matt Hansen.

Dec 12

Just a blowing (off) in the wind

Ever lost your had on a boat ride out to a flat?

I have. Kind of humiliating and funny at the same time.

Deneki had a funny post about this very subject.

If you’re running in a boat and your hat gets blown off, upon retrieval of said hat, you need to scoop water with it and put it immediately back on your head.  This is your penalty for not keeping track of your hat.

I think this blew off once in Andros, actually.

I think this blew off once in Andros, actually.

Oct 12

Deneki’s Top Ten

Deneki Outdoors is a pretty impressive machine, even more so for being a relatively small organization. Andrew, the owner, puts out a stream of content from his blog and it is largely original and largely awesome.

Here are Deneki’s top ten bonefishing links.



PS – Great job SF Giants!

Oct 12

3 ways to catch more bonefish, from Deneki

More wisdom from Deneki… this time it is 3 Ways to Catch More Bonefish.

What is tip #2?

Hint… I’m doing it right.

Photo by Cameron Miller down at Andros South.

Aug 12

Full Speed Ahead, Saracione Islamorada Reel

At the show I ran into Andrew Bennett, owner of Deneki Outdoors. He told me about a reel maker in a back corner with some really interesting, old-school reels.  He was into them. He also mentioned the prices, $1,200. I saw the booth, but knowing the price acted like some sort of BOTB Force-field.

Deneki put up a post about the reel. It’s a beautiful thing.


It does have a certain nautical look to me. Where have I seen this before?

Hmmm… looks familiar.

What do you guys think?  Would you want one of those Saracione reels?  They are probably pretty amazing to handle, maybe a tad heavier than I’d want to fish with and certainly more expensive than I’m likely to ever plop down for (excluding inflation).

Would you buy one?

Aug 12

Feed marks a la Deneki

A great post over at Deneki about bonefish feed marks. We’ve all seen them.  Nothing makes you anticipate a fish like the sign that a fish has been there.

I remember being on a flat in Kauai wondering if there were, in fact, any bonefish where I was fishing.  I had gone a day and a half without seeing any and while I knew they used to be there, I wasn’t so sure they were there anymore.  Then I saw the feedmark. Good news. Soon thereafter I saw a bonefish (for a few, fleeting seconds before it shot out into the Pacific at speed).

One, old feed mark.



Aug 12

For the Ladies – Bonefishing School

The folks at Deneki are hosting a bonefishing school for women down at Andros South.


At the school will be Kara Armano and Bruce Chard, as well as the guides and good folk at Andros South.

Building on the success of our very popular Bonefishing School program, our Women’s School will be co-hosted by Kara Armano and Bruce Chard.  You’ll get hands-on instruction from the best in the business, plenty of time on the legendary flats of Andros Island, and the company of a bunch of women who love fishing as much as you do – what could be better?

Now, I think my future Mrs. Bonefishonthebrain might not be totally set for this just yet and won’t have the vacation time anyway, but man… how fantastic would it be for her to have a safe and supportive place to connect with the flats and the fish that live there?

I’ve been to Andros South and it is still a place I keep close to my heart/soul. The wildness of the place and the beauty of the countryside are really mind-numbing.

Hope it fills up and creates some lasting impressions.

Andros South, for the ladies.

May 12

Rajeff on casting down at Andros South

Yes… Tim Rajeff talking about casting in the wind and the various situations you face out there. Some good advice in this Deneki bit.

Check it out.

In saltwater you need to deal with 4 distinct wind situations – in your face, at your back, from the left and from the right – and Tim takes us through some quick pointers on how to deal with each of those situations.  Have a look!

Rajeff, a man who knows casting