Nice pack
I have gear to give away (the Low Tide Hydration/Lumbar pack above). One of you lucky folks will be the beneficiary of this thanks to the good folks over at Fishpond. I am not one for just selecting people at random. I want you to put in some work, so here’s what’s required to be entered into the drawing for the wonderful flats pack.
- You need to go to the Fishpond Facebook Page and give them a “Like”
- You need to go to the Fishpond website and find the piece of gear you most covet and tell me what it is and why you covet it.
- List out what you put in your pack for a day on the flats.
I’ll announce the winner on Friday. You must put your answer in the comments section of this page (look at the top of the page, not the bottom, for the comments link).
Tags: Fishpond
What if you do not do FACEbook?
My favorite Fishpond product is the TECH LTE – LOW TIDE HYDRATION/LUMBAR PACK, which by coincidence is the pack you featured in the photo above. I covet it because it is just the right size. I will easily hold my 2 fly boxes and the water bottles I need without being too big and bulky. The Air LTE lumbar support helps keep you from getting sweaty around the waist. and the nylon webbing loops give a place to attach my clippers and forceps. I fondle them every time I go into Sportsman’s Warehouse.
Here’s what I carry in my lumbar pack: Clippers, forceps, small multi-tool, water, small sunscreen, lip balm, 2 main fly boxes with deep water in one and skinny water bonefish flies in the other, one smaller box with cuda flies, larger clousers, surf candy style baitfish patterns and a couple of smaller tarpon style flies. A wire leader for cuda’s, 2 extra 9ft tapered leaders, 10lb, 12lb and 15lb tippet spools, (plus 8lb if I am in Mexico or Belize), a pocket knife, small bug juice, a roll of white super stick medical tape, a couple of bandaids and a nail knot tool. If I am out for a long wade, I also take a small day pack with a couple of energy bars, peanuts or other snacky stuff, and a light weight rain jacket, a back-up reel, a reel lube kit and line and a small first aid kit, which includes anti sting stuff for jellyfish and bug bites, and aspirin of some sort.
I really dig the Double Haul Chest/Backpack. It gives the flexibility to pack a bunch of stuff for the longer days, or for quick trips, simply use the chest pack for the bare essentials. I also like having the ability to use the optional hydration pack, since water bottles take up a lot of space, can become uncomfortable, and then you have to keep them with you even after they are empty until you can throw them away. It would be awesome to not have to use a camelbak along with a pack for gear.
The supplies I carry on a normal trip in my pack are: a Leatherman, fly boxes (the wider the variety of quarry, the more I pack), leaders and more leaders, Ox thru 3x Rio Fluoro tippet, forceps and clipper with nail-knot tool on a re-tractor, sunscreen, neosporin and bandaids, compact binoculars, headlamp flashlight, camera with flexible tripod, extra battery for camera, bottle or two of water (if I don’t bring a camelbak), small amount of biodegradable TP in a ziplock (serves multiple uses other than the obvious), Desitin (that idea is all thanks to you Bjorn). For more adventurous outings, I lash an extra rod and reel to the pack just in case. Food and more water, and emergency rain poncho, and solar blanket, waterproof matches also come along if I’m going further off the beaten path or beach.
I guess if you’re giving me free rein to covet whatever I please with Fishpond, I’m going with the Tundra Tech Pack, with the idea that I’d like to load that thing full of all kinds of gear and “disappear” for awhile. It’s not very practical for the flats, but it would be if I was dropped off in the Marquesas for a week… Now back to reality, and as a bit of a contradiction, my pack for the flats is not loaded with much stuff. A reasonable assortment of flies (Gotchas, Clousers, Bonefish bitters, Crabs, Crazy Charlies) , some tippet material, hemostats (critical!), nippers, SPF 30+ lip balm, bottled water/snack. I SHOULD be carrying a copy of a Chico Fernandez or Dick Brown book, a Gary Borger casting video, a DVD player, and a few miles of extension cord so I can actually work on getting my flies out to where I need to, but that’s another story…
Since you said what piece of “gear” and not necessarily a pack, I’d say my Dakota Carry-on Rod and Reel Case. The scariest thing about flying anywhere (and this includes terrorists) is losing my gear if I have to check it in. You can always borrow flies and tippet from someone, but you NEED your favorite rod and reel. This case gets through security every time, and I never get hassled. Nor do I ever get to an island without my gear. Probably not the answer to win a nice pack, but this case is great. I can fit 3-5 rods, 4 reels and some sunglasses and cameras. I wouldn’t travel without it.
I would love the Flint Hills Lumbar pack. When out on the flats I don’t carry much but maybe 4-6 flies, leader, foreceps, tape measure and my tagging tool. I keep it simple out there. Thanks for the chance.
I am basically in love with all fishpond gear. It is nearly a fetish…well, it probably qualifies. My favorite pack (which I own) is the Double Haul backpack. I use this for 90% of my fishing, though I leave the chest pack off and just carry the backpack portion. A flat to me is a carp flat, rather than a bonefish flat, but my gear is probably similar. Inside the pack I carry:
3-4 boxes of flies (which is dumb, since I only fish 2 patterns).
3-4 spools of tippet (which is dumb, since I only use 1 x).
3-4 packs of leaders (which is dumb, since I only use 1x and never change my leader).
Hemostats (which is dumb, since I am too lazy to use them)
Camera (this one isn’t dumb. i love my panasonic lumix!)
Gorilla pod (this is smart too…ultra useful)
Digital Scale (don’t leave home with out one…you measure carp in lbs, not inches)
Extra buff (No idea why)
Bottle of water (which is dumb, since I forget to drink it)
Bag of jerky (which is dumb, since I forget to eat it)
Net, clipped to the pack straps (which is smart, only my net is too small, which is dumb)
That is about as light as I can go, which is key when covering miles of flats in search of the best freshwater fly rod target in the US.
I would go with the Piney Creek Tech Pack. I live in Wyoming and primarily fish for trout in the high country, but I also travel to places like Belize, Mexico, Texas, and Florida to fish in the salt. I need a pack system that can adapt to my travels and destinations. At home, I need a system that will carry what I need in the mountains, such as food and water, an extra jacket, fishing gear, bear spray, emergency and first-aid gear, sunscreen, camera gear, etc. When I travel away from home, I like being able to pack it efficiently for air travel, then being able to rearrange my gear for a day on the water. If I am spending a day out on a skiff, I like being able to carry extra gear for weather, food/snacks, water, camera gear, change of clothes, etc in the pack, but being able to use the chest pack as a stand-alone piece for getting off of the boat and staking the flats. The pack is also a great stand-alone piece for traveling and site-seeing in these destinations (especially when traveling with my family).
As far as essential fishing gear that I carry when wading/getting off the boat – hemostats/pliers, nippers (with a back-up set) leader and tippet material, flies, a knife, some toilet paper (always be prepared!), some water, a small collection of first-aid supplies, my small water-proof camera, my sun gloves, extra sunscreen, and when I travel I usually have a small trinket or something-or-other that my daughter gives me to take with me before my trip.
I also covet the new Tech LTE lumbar pack since I already have the Cirrus guide model and had it for years . When Im out on the flats I carry my fly boxes , extra leaders , and tools to help me change for the various conditions , also a few snacks and sunscreen to protect my bald head from the sun . Never leave the lodge without a ice cold bottle of Kalik in he side pocket to celebrate the catch of the day or just taking in the scenery . Thank you and Thight Lines everyone
If you have no Facebook, just do everything else.
WESTWATER ROLL TOP DRY BAG …..and how do we begin to covet, Clarice? Dr. Lecter. Tell me! I’m new to the boating fishing thing with my amazing “knight in smelly armor” husband of 8 months. We are hoping to get a boat next year and the first thing I need is gear. This doesn’t come cheap. I covet anything that keeps my intimates dry….you know, who doesn’t like a wife fishing in fishnets? To answer what I pack…..sunscreen, leatherman, hand towel for skinny dipping cleanup, bandana’s or muffs and sun hat to keep me from looking like an old crocodile handbag (a cougar has to keep it fresh you know)! Cheers guys!
I have been eying the Waterdance Guide Pack for some time. I have a number of Fishpond stuff, this pack would be the “go to” pack for my everyday fishing. I believe in having many boxes of various bugs, and need space for them as well as space for all the other items (leaders, split shot, etc) that I use and share with my clients and friends.
Since I’ve never really been fishing on the flats, I would think that a few boxes of the best bugs, leaders, sunscreen, a flask of the good stuff, a nice cigar, lighter, and a bottle of water.
I have been really coveting the Tomahawk fly tying kit. It would be perfect for taking my fly tying gear with me anywhere I go. It has room for tons of materials and would keep everything from being a mess.
For a day on the flats I would pack a box of flies, a couple leaders, 2 spools of tippet, pliers, sunscreen, camera and a knife. Also some water to drink.
Which item? Probably the one you are giving away, the Tech LTE, Low Tide lumbar pack. I’ve been using a cheap Jansport for a few years now and it’s on it’s last legs. It has served me well for the $20 I spent on it. But it’s time to grow up, and this seems to have some fine qualities; size and recycled material. I’m a flats minimalist, and only take what I need. In the pack now is a real small fly box, a few spools of tippet and extra leaders. My pliers are jerry rigged to the side. When I’m out on the flats or the kayak I add a couple of kleen kanteens and maybe something to eat. Oh, I can’t forget the small camera. That’s it, that’s whats in the bag. If I find some place that close and I don’t need the water and food, I’ll usually just put a few flies and some tippet and an extra leader in my pocket. If I carry too much stuff, I find it gets in the way of fishing. Too many distractions.
Southern Cross Fishing Journal so that I can sit on a rock like Rev. Mclean (Tom Skerritt) in a River Runs Through It and record my fishing exploits. In my pack, extra leader, tippet, hemostats, clippers, fly box, sun buff, sunscreen, Off, lip balm, water gun, water and camera.
OK, so the piece of gear I most covet at the moment would have to be the Tumbleweed Chest Pack. I have recently purchased a little kayak and I think the Tumbleweed would be perfect for carrying just the right amount of gear while allowing for easy access. I already have a Fishpond women’s vest, which I love, but find that I cannot wear it and my PFD at the same time.
As I have done all of my fishing in Tasmania I am yet to fish ‘the flats’ but it is certainly on my to-do list for the future.
For a day up the lakes I usually carry my Fishpond women’s vest with two fly boxes (one for wets and one for drys), forceps, line clippers, spare leaders and tippet (and a needle for tying or untying knots), Gink, my fishing license, a camera, my spotters case and cleaning cloth (because I’m not scratching those babies) a net on a magnetic clip on my back and a small knife. If I plan to be out after dark I carry my head torch for making my way back to camp and last but not least I carry my Sage VT2 with Sage reel – no surprises there 😉
TUNDRA TECH PACK- this is an awesome super heady chestpack i could take on the long adventures to find my native fishy friends. fly fishing is life and having fishpond gear makes it even better. not only are you the most stylish angler on the stream, they’re lightweight and hold everything you need and have easy/quick access to flies, floats, tippets and other gear. I just got the SAN JUAN VERTICAL CHEST PACK and LOVE it.. it holds my fly box, tippets,scissors,float,dust float, mutitool and leaders. Fish Pond is the best and is always my 1st choice when it come to buying new gear and equipment.
The one piece of Fishpond gear I would most covet for a day on the flats would be the Cloudburst bag. I would use it to hold extra fly boxes. leaders, leader material, tools, raincoat, 303, tootsie roll pops and all sorts of other goodies and essentials. This pack is nice for many reasons but I especially like the built in rainfly. I fish Christmas Island and the local boats are good but you get a lot of spray. This rainfly would be great for keeping out the salt. Also because of weight limitations this bag would be great for carry on. I could put my flats boots and other heavier items inside leaving room in my check in bag for more gear and larger items.
The double Haul Chest/Backpack seems perfect for basically putting whatever you can think of for a day on the river. From a thermos of hot coffee to dry clothes it seems like you could fit it all. I covet it mainly because I saw this piece of material in action and I crave to be the one sporting its threads. As a general rule, I tend to hustle fish way past all other anglers into river runs far away from the parking lot. Here on a bank, I can picture myself opening my pack and putting down some black coffee and sandwhich. When recharged I would swing my flies harder and farther with all the cofidence in the world and inevitably get dominated by the mighty steelhead. Cursing and water kicking (like a toddler) would commence. I would eventually mope back to my rig (still rocking the pack) and throw my gear in. Finally I would drop the windows down a tad, turn up some tunes, feel a grin rising and start counting the hours til the following morning.
For a day on the flats I would imagine I would have the following items: Tippet spools, clippers and pliers hanging from the side (not to waste valuable real estate), a fly box with flies to match the flat, plenty of water, sunflower seeds, car key, sunscreen, headlight, my license and ID, and my phone in a zip lock bag (still can make calls and keep it dry if you tumble). Take those items plus some company and I would be all set.
I want the:
Why? Because it’s hard to find a backpack that is both waterproof, right size, comfortable and has a rodholder for your permit/tarponrod.
I must have a waterproof one, as I drop my stuff anywhere and crawl into position, fish in storm and rain and also want to take my DSLR to take pictures of me and my mates.
I want to fill it up with; 3 spare reels, DSLR, GoPro, tripod, monopod, extra batteries, maps of surroundings, phone, walkie talkie, a couple of fly boxes, traces, spools of fluoro, water, candybars, maybe rainjacket.
And yes, I live in the Netherlands, so it’s gonna be hard to ship it here. But please do.
First off thanks for the great contest/giveaway! The Wasatch Tech Pack (in the marsh color for cool comfort in the flats), is my pick. I always end up packing what I think is more than I need and half way through the day realize I don’t have something I need (want), hence a big pack. I would load it up with all the typical stuff, 3 fly boxes, spools of tippet material, a knife, forceps, fly dressing, camera, a Buff for sun protection, some jerky, a journal or maybe a small moleskin and pencil, a picture of my wife (always have one in my fly bag/vest/pack), a backup pair of shades, water bottle(s), a pack of gum, matches or magnesium bar and striker, NO phone or GPS the whole point is to reconnect with creation not to stay connected. Finally I may stick a copy of “the old man and the sea” to sit and read in the sun if the fishing slows down or maybe I just choose to sit and enjoy the surroundings.
TECH LTE – LOW TIDE CHESTPACK/BACKPACK – This would match great with my Tech Lte Chestpack/lumberpack…Perfect for nice hikes in on the hunt for brookies!!! We dont fish flats much here, but usually when going out. We have our flies, leader and tippet material, Snacks, buffs & gloves, drinks and cameras!! Thanks for the giveaway!!
I would really like to have the Storm Mountain Gear bag with it’s waterproof nylon cover with taped seams and drawstring closure, padded sidewalls and dividers allow for gear protection and customized interior. OF course the three exterior zippered stash pockets and one rear slide pocket with Velcro closure would be very handy as woulod be the Tippet Spool Accessory Cord. Most of all though I covet this as it’s highly rated, is a very well made piece of gear and would do the job nicely when out in my Jon Boat, kayak, or Pontoon boat. Especially when fishing saltwater but always I need a waterproof or nearly waterproof bag such as this one is.
As for wading the flats, first I carry the right flies, for Carp, Bones, Reds or other and always keep a couple of quick change Barracuda flies with wire leaders handy on the salt flats. Other than that, pliers, plenty of fluids, a small bottle of sunscreen for replenishing during the day and lip balm with sunscreen for keeping the sun at bay and for lubing a leader knot. I also carry a small tube of mosquito repellent when wading where these critters abound. Add a knife, clippers, tippet, two spare complete leader setups, a hook re-leaser, two fly boxes, a sun cap with neck and ear protection, a long sleeve shirt with a high SPF rating, a small packable slicker, and an energy bar. Lastly I carry a camera, (often my phone), and often a walkie talkie when wading alone where help is close by. Appreciate your give away and enjoy your format.
I think your choice of pack, the LOW TIDE HYDRATION/LUMBAR PACK would be perfect.
I’m doing something a little bit different. Yes, I’m fishing the flats, however, they’re in Nebraska. I’m spey fishing for gar. I’ve got an old Scott A-2, 13′ spey with a Teton Tioga hanging underneath. I fling out pieces of frayed rope with eyes stuck on them at the gar. Its easy as there are no hooks to sharpen. So I have my “fly box” which is a couple of old EpiPen tubes, some 10lb test mono, I’ve got my giant forcepts and pliers (to open the mouth of the fish) and an old hair comb I borrowed from my daughter (for some reason she doesn’t want it back) to comb the fly out of the fish’s teeth. The 2 big things about this pack are the hydration and the ability to swing it around behind you. Spey lines will find any little niche to hook into, so I have to fish out of my back pack. No vest.
I love this. I’d go for the Piney Creek Tech Pack. It looks perfect for a day out on the flats here in Florida or anywhere else for that matter.
Smaller separate pack for camera.
Larger separate pack with flies.
Hydration pack – of course.
Main area, small first aid kit, a couple of cool towels, some snacks (cheese & crackers, jerky, trail mix, etc.), rain gear.
Spare rod in the carrier on the pack.
Lanyard with fish lipper.
Shoulder straps would have lip balm (sunscreen), dry fly dressing (don’t get them mixed up) and a multi-tool on the other side.
Just one cotton pickin’ minute. You mean to tell me 25 people have commented (well, 24 if I subtract Bjorn’s Facebook follow up comment) and not a single person carries a pocket flask full of tequila? One person said they bring a cold Kalik but that’d be gone in the first 15 minutes if you want to drink it cold. So I highly recommend when you win your new tech pack that you start bringing your pocket flask full of good sipping tequila or single malt.