Aug 12


So… I have a few things going on these days. One of those things is that I’m getting hitched (re-hitched) really, really soon.

Wedding is at 6 PM, we get picked up at 4:00 AM to head to the airport.  Once there we will partake in the miracle that is human flight and some hours (and a few planes) later we will end up toes-in-the-water at El Pescador in Belize.

Once there we’ll have ONE day of guided fishing. The new Mrs. Bonefish on the Brain will be with me and we should get into some fish. Along those lines, it occurred to me that I have some tying to do.

The desk. Wine Fly.

Pretty much, I’m looking forward to the adventure.



Aug 12

Doug’s Conch Fritter

Doug Jeffries, a long-time reader of the blog, recently got a fly in Fly Fishing in Salt Waters (a magazine I subscribe to). My mag hasn’t arrived yet, so I found out about it through Scott Heywood’s blog Fly Paper.

It is, indeed, a fine looking fly (full tying instructions at the Fly Paper link above).

Yeah… that’s sweet.

That is a fly I’d like to have in my box, and exactly the kind of fly I probably won’t tie because I have yet to tie a fly that called for a dubbing loop. I should really stop by Doug’s and figure that out.

Doug… you around? How do you feel about teaching? You know, I’m an East Bay guy now.

Those of you who tie, what are the flies that you’d like to tie, but intimidate you a bit?


Mar 12

The Avalon

When I head down to Cuba in… like… a WEEK, I’ll be on a media tour heading out with some folks from Yellow Dog (they aren’t selling trips to Cuba, fyi) and we’ll be fishing with Avalon.

One thing that that Avalon is known for is their fly… the Avalon fly. This is supposed to be a permit-getter and while I think where I’m headed is less known for permit, there is a chance I’ll be throwing to one.

I tied up a few last night. I didn’t have the tan marabou so I substituted materials, but I think that I got the concept more or less right.

My Avalon... maybe it will work, maybe it won't.

A week from today I start the journey. Countdown in full effect.

Mar 12

Un-Tying – from Idylwilde

I saw this post from Idylwilde Flies and loved it.

It’s that time of year again in Montana. The winter blues kick-in and I retreat to my “February Room” to drink alone and yearn for warmer climates and the fish that live there. This state-of-mind is expressed at the fly tying vise and I find that I produce some of my worst crap at 2:00 am on a Sunday morning while listening to Waylon’s “Drinking and Dreaming”.

What follows is a tutorial on how to un-tie to recover the hooks and materials you can salvage.  This seems like a really good thing to do and I have a few flies right next to my vice that CERTAINLY need to be obliterated from memory.  There are also some nice tarpon hooks I could recover in the process.

Idylwilde recouped this potential loss. Good thinking guys.

Nov 11

A fly for every angler – Bonefish Fly Patterns by Dick Brown

A while back Dick Brown had his newest edition of Bonefish Fly Patterns sent my way to look at.  With a move and associated domestic drama it took me a while to get to it.

A good book.

I’m sorry it took that long.  The book is fantastic.  Dick not only really knows how to write (I mean, they guy can just plain write), he has some serious insight into what makes flies work.  There are some really good nuggets in the book about fly design, colors, flash and everything else you could be interested in, but he also has page after page after page of flies tied by to top shelf of today’s bonefisherati.

One thing you’ll come away with is the sense that at some time, someone tried just about everything.  There are flies that are hardly more than bare hooks and there are flies that are dressed up like they are taking the S.O. out to the Opera (or to see Oprah). There are flies that are impressionistic, realistic and optimistic. They’ve all caught fish though.

A highlight was seeing Davin Ebank’s fly right there with Aaron Adams and other luminaries.  Very cool.

A fly tied/created by Davin from Flatswalker

I recommend the book.  True… I didn’t pay for it.  But I would have.  No… I’m not giving it away.  I’m keeping it.  It is currently in my “study” for periodic reference.

Nov 11


Where am I going to put the new flies I’m tying for Hawaii?  Hmmmm…

Not a lot of room in there.

Oct 11


Getting back to better than alright. Finally got my fly tying desk in my new place.

Time to get back to work.

Normally by this time I would have tied up a couple dozen patterns as I prepare for my next trip (this time to Hawaii).  Now that I have the desk back I can get back on the search for pattern/size recommendations for HI.

Anyone have any go-to flies for HI?

Sep 11

Ed Maurer reviews Dick Brown’s new Bonefish Fly Patters

The revised and updated Bonefish Fly Patterns is more of an analytical treatise on not only bonefish flies, but the prey bonefish feed upon, and the types and features required of an effective fly and how and where to fish it. Brown goes into a full analysis of what bones eat broken down into the percentages of prey they eat in the Bahamas and Florida. It’s almost like a diet book in the way each food source is listed by type and percentage eaten, but also by what prey bonefish seem to prefer regardless of availability.

Sounds pretty good, eh? Ed Maurer publishes the online journal Florida Fly Fishing Magazine (Click here to see the full review), so he has some room to speak with authority on the subject.  Of course, I’ve interviewed Dick and he actually send me a copy of the book, which I’ll review as well, once I clear things off the table a bit and make some time to give it the attention I need to give it.

Check out the link above and check out Dick’s new book. If you like bonefish and want to know more about fly selection, this is a must have.



Jun 11

Flatswalker gets a fly published

Always have to cheer when good things happen to good people.  Congrats Davin.

the book is out now and if you’re a bonefisher or plan to become one this is a MUST HAVE for your fly-tying desk. Not only does it contain almost 200 patterns, but it describes how and where to fish them. It also has a TON of info about bonefish habitat, behavior, and food preferences as well as lots of tips and techniques.Hop over to your local fly shop and grab a copy, or hit Amazon… but they only have a few copies left so you’d better hurry.

via Flatswalker: SaltWater Fly Fishing Guide Blog – Flatswalker.



Apr 11

My top fly from Andros

A few folks have asked… so… I gave it some thought.  I think this patterns was the one I wish I had more of down there in Andros at FIBFest.

Reverse Gotcha... bunny tail... rubber legs... ya know... "stuff"

Maybe this has a name… I’d think it is just a bit too similar to other patterns to have it’s own.  It’s goodness.  I added some UV Cure whatever to the back of the fly, which is a move I really, really like.  Some folks said it would make the fly land too heavy… I didn’t see that, but it is possible that would be an issue in really skinny water.  This fly is a #2… so… not little, but after reading some of Aaron Adams’ thoughts on the matter, I think we should probably move up a size or two on most of the flies we throw.

Hope this helps.